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A Little Word Of God


Hmmmm, What can I say about my self? Well, i'm 19 already. YaHOO!  I was born in Penang but i grew up on the mainlands. I spend most of my childhood life in Bukit Mertajam. I studied in S.R.J.K.(c) Peng Bin when I was in primary and spend my secondary years in S.M.K.Berapit. I do not know how tall I am and how heavy I am right now coz i'm too lazy to go check out all that shit. I spend a lot of time in front of my PC that's why I decided to create my own web page. =) What do you think about it? If you think it sucks then keep it to yourself, but if u think it's great then let me know in my guess book ok.

The History or Story Behind My Site

History behind my site? Well, there is none because I just build my site on the 29 or 28 of Apirl 2004 which is 1 week before my collage starts. I was really bored sitting at home so I made this site. Hope you like it.


My favorite pass time is sitting in front of my PC mostly playing game and chatting with friends. Other than that, I like to watch TV and movies. Hates maths and reading. lol.

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Your Guest no. 943 WebMaster John Ong 2004