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A Little Word Of God

Welcome To My Home Page

Well, it's been a year already since this page was setup. Just like before. Welcome all who enter this site. Feel free to sniff around.

What's new on my site?

Hooray!!! finally found out hot to put mp3 on my site d. but there's a downside to it. i need to find a sever that is big enough for all my song. =( for now, all i got is a 15mb sever which enables me to upload only 3 song max. so help me out guy if u know of any free file storage site ok. (4th May 2005)

Ok, wats new? well, the "A little word of God" page is new. Add some word to my page. hope to bring some light to myself and to all of you out there. I also hav my blog set up in the chat room page, but i don't know if i'll go write it to it or not. i prefer my privacy. don like everyone diggin into my thoughts. anayway,God Bless!! (5th May 2005)

The chatter box on the top right conner is new. write everything u wan me to or anybody who visit my site. GO GO GO!! (6rh May 2005)

I've added some funny clips to my site to replace the old MP3s and hav updated my photo album so go check it out!! (13 August 2005)


I tried viewing this site on mozila browsers and found out that it may not funtion properly. so for those of u who r using mozila browsers just take note of this ok.

When we've been alone with Jesus,
Learning from Him day by day,
Others soon will sense the difference
As we walk along life's way.



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Your Guest no. 14892 WebMaster John Ong 2005